那么, 汗青的真实镜头尤其是美国人奈何描写长津湖的志愿军呢!老赵将一些美军的资料翻译如下。
the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported, “Tokyo, Nov. 28 (UP) — A horde of 200,000 Chinese Communists swarmed over North Korea today, threatening to trap desperately fighting Allies in an offensive which Gen. Douglas MacArthur said marked the start of ‘an entirely new war.’ The Chinese, pouring like locusts over the countryside as far as the human eye could see, ripped through a widening hole torn in the right flank of the U.N. line. They could be seen along ‘every road, every gully and every ridgeline,’ a 1st Corps spokesman said. As the Chinese seized the offensive and rocked the Allies back on the defensive, MacArthur issued a bristling statement accusing the Chinese of hurling the major part of their fighting force against the U.N. MacArthur said China’s full-scale intervention in the Korean war posed issues beyond his authority and asked the U.N. what they wanted to do about it. In a special signed communique, he said Red China had shattered his ‘high hopes’ of an early end to the Korean war that could get American troops ‘home by Christmas.”
Veterans of the battle later shared what they could see and hear.
“I heard this racket down the slope,” Pfc. Robert Cameron recalled. “It was like the sound of a Chinese birthday party, wedding, and funeral all rolled into one. People chanting, blowing horns, ringing bells, clashing cymbals, beating drums.”
Some spoke about their combat experiences.
“They came up in front of us and they were throwing grenades,” a Chosin Few veteran told the American Heroes Channel. “The grenade bounced off my helmet, killed the guy on my left, and wounded my buddy. Then things started to get hairy. We turned around and they were right behind us. My sleeping bag was there and we killed eight of them right on top of my sleeping bag.”