The Reflection of the Bow
My grandfather, who was magistrate of the district of Chen, once invited his secretary, Du Xuan, to drink with him during the midsummer festival. A red bow which was hanging on the north wall cast a reflection in the cup just like a snake; but although Du Xuan was frightened he dared not refuse to drink. Then he had a severe pain in his stomach, and could not eat, so that he grew very thin. Though he tried all manner of drugs, he could find no cure.
Later my grandfather called on him on some business, and asked him how he had contracted this illness.
"Through fear of the snake which I swallowed," Du Xuan told him.
After going home my grandfather thought this over, then turned and saw the bow, and understood what had happened. He sent a subordinate with a carriage to escort Du Xuan to his house, and set wine in the same place, so that once more a snake appeared in the cup.
"This is simply a reflection of that bow on the wall," he told his secretary. At once Du Xuan felt better and, greatly relieved, recovered.
--Traditional Topics (Feng Su tong)