在阅读海外报刊或原版书时我们偶然辰会碰着一些英语典故,这些典故单凭字面意思很难猜到着实际寄义。在这种环境下,把握一些英语常用典故常识就显得很是有须要。英语典故一样平常来历于寓言、神话、圣经故事、文学人物以及汗青变乱,好比Pandora's box(神话),Waterloo(汗青),Forbidden Fruit(圣经故事)等。本日在这里先容一些常见的英语典故:
Achilles' heel
Achilles' heel即阿喀琉斯之踵。它源自希腊好汉阿喀琉斯(Achilles)的故事。传说他年幼时,母亲把他浸在斯提克斯冥河中,使他刀枪不入。因为母亲提着他的脚踵,因此他的脚踵没有沾上河水。其后他因脚踵中箭身亡。Achilles' heel此刻常用于指或人或某物的致命弱点(a weak feature that someone or something has that could cause failure or could be attacked)。好比:
(1) I'm trying to lose weight, but ice cream is my Achilles' heel.
(2) A misbehaving minister is regarded as a government's Achilles heel and is expected to resign.
Who will be the Cassandra to warn Americans that their good fortune cannot last forever, and, in the case of welfare reform, to spell out the consequences?
(1) The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth.
(2) They departed Texas on a three-year odyssey that took them as far as Japan.
There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.
新观念英语4课文What every writer wants也提到了这一典故:
I have heard of writers who read nothing but their own books; like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot fathom the exact outline of the vision before them.我传闻一些作家,除了本身的书外,此外书一概不读,如同希腊神话中那位大度的少年,站在镜前,不能识别自身的真脸孔。
A sword of Damocles
这一典故来自于希腊神话。达摩克利斯(Damocles)为西拉克斯元老狄奥尼修斯(Dionysius)的谄媚者,常倾慕帝王的幸福。狄奥尼修斯就宴请达摩克利斯,让他坐在黄金宝座上,但在他的头中用一根头发悬挂了一把利剑。达摩克利斯如坐针毡,担忧本身随时会丧命。此刻人们用a sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)来比喻“随时也许来临的伤害”。好比:
Government threats to cut the budget by 50% are hanging over the Opera House like a sword of Damocles.
Cat’s Paw
这一说法来自于《伊索寓言》中猴子与猫的故事。一只猴子和一只猫外出嬉戏时发明一堆火堆中有烧好的栗子。猴子想吃栗子又怕烧到本身,于是使用猫去取栗子。比及猫把栗子取出来后猴子回身就把它们吃光,猫白忙活了一场。其后人们用cat's paw来喻指“为人火中取栗的人,被人操作的器材”。举个例子:
The liberal elite of the BBC constantly refer to immigration from Poland because they are using the Polish community as a cat's paw to try to tackle the thorny issue of mass unchecked immigration into our country. (The Daily Telegraph)
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf来自于《伊索寓言》中“狼来了”的故事,人们常用cry wolf来指“发假警报,散布不实动静”。好比韦氏辞书例句:
News organizations have been warned not to cry wolf. If people hear too many warnings that turn out to be nothing, they won't listen to the important warnings when they come.
Phoenix是古代传说中的不死鸟,这种鸟在阿拉伯戈壁中保留500到600年,然后在柴堆上自焚并从灰烬中更生,开始另一个生命循环。此刻人们用rise like a phoenix from the ashes来指“如凤凰般更生,浴火更生”。好比:
The town was bombed but was then rebuilt and rose from the ashes like a phoenix.
Apple of Discord
这一典故源自希腊神话故事。在珀琉斯和忒弥斯的婚礼上一只金苹果激发了赫拉、雅典娜和阿佛洛狄忒的争吵,并最终激发了历时十年的特洛伊战役。此刻人们常用an apple of discord来指“反面的缘故起因,争斗的来源”。