Flooding in Pakistan has killed more than 1,000 people
As of 31 August local time, abnormal heavy monsoon① rains and melting glaciers triggered floods that have submerged a third of Pakistan and killed at least 1,191 people, including 399 children. Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called the flooding “the worst in the history of Pakistan”. Around a half million of those displaced are living in organised camps, while others have had to find their own shelter. Pakistan has received nearly 190% more rain than the past 30-year average in the quarter through August this year, totalling 390.7 mm (15.38 inches). The United Nations has appealed for $160 million to help with what it calls an “unprecedented② climate catastrophe”. Global aid are set to arrive, carrying planeloads of tents, food and medicine from China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates as the scale of the devastation unfolded. (Reuters)
① monsoon: [mnsu:n] n. the rain that falls during this period 雨季的降雨
② unprecedented: [npresdentd] adj. that has never happened, been done or been known before 亘古未有的;空前的;没有先例的
(Credit: The Guardian)
Germany rejects Poland’ s claim it owes 1.3tn in war reparations①
Germany has rejected a Polish parliamentary report claiming it owes its eastern neighbour 1.3tn for damages caused during the Second World War, saying the question of wartime reparations is “closed”. “The federal government’s position is unchanged,” a spokesperson for the German foreign ministry said on Friday. “In the view of the government this matter is closed”. Jarosaw Kaczyński, the leader of Poland’s ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, on Thursday presented a report assessing the financial damages caused by Nazi Germany’s invasion and occupation of the country during the Second World War. Speaking on the 83rd anniversary of the invasion in 1939, Kaczyński said a parliamentary committee had calculated the total losses amounted to② 6.2tn zotys, roughly 1.32tn. The German government argues Poland waived③ its right to war reparations in 1953, as part of an agreement in which its eastern bloc④ ally East Germany ceded⑤ territories beyond the Oder-Neisse border to Poland and Russia. According to the foreign ministry, Germany has paid about 74bn in reparations since the end of the war, mostly to Israel and western European states or individuals living in those countries. (The Guardian)
① reparation: [repren] n. money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused(败北国的)赔款
② amount to: to add up to sth; to make sth as a total 总计;共计
③ waive: [wev] v. to choose not to demand sth in a particular case, even though you have a legal or official right to do so 放弃(权力、要求等)
④ bloc: [blk] n. a group of countries that work closely together because they have similar political interests(政治好处同等的)国度团体
⑤ cede: [sid] v. to give sb control of sth or give them power, a right, etc., especially unwillingly 割让;让给;转让
(Credit: CGTN)
Mexico restores large mural “War and Peace” to be displayed at celebration